Opening Remote Workspace in VSCode

Opening Remote Workspace in VSCode

This is a guide for opening a remote workspace in VSCode using the Remote SSH extension.


  1. In VSCode, download the “Remote-SSH” extension

  1. In the bottom left corner, click the “><“ button to connect to remote server.



  2. Options will appear at the top of the screen in the search bar. Select “Connect to Host…” then “Add New SSH host” if none are listed.




  3. Follow the placeholder text by typing “ssh youruser@yourhostname -A”

  4. VS code will ask where you want to save the configuration file. Usually you will want to select the local path from the options.

If the prompt does not automatically open a window with the ssh connection, this usually means you have multiple ssh hosts. You will have to click the blue button again and select connect to host to open the window.

  1. The prompt will ask you for an operating system, then ask you to confirm that you want to connect. Next, it will prompt you to input your user password. Once everything is correct, the remote connection will be complete. You can check this by looking at the bottom left corner where the button will have your remote IP address displayed.


  2. Navigate to your my-react-app directory you made above then start editing the App.js file. The prompt will ask for your user password again.

If your application becomes too big and you have too many files, you will need to follow these instructions to change the file watching limit in VS code. This may also slow down your VM, so you may have to change some global storage settings.


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